Friday, October 25, 2013


When Bum Phillips, was asked by Bob Costas why he always took his wife on the road with him, he replied… “Because she’s too ugly to kiss goodbye”. Laughter ensues, as the colorful nature of “Bum”…a laugh in itself…shines through.

Life might be too serious if you couldn't find a reason to chuckle about that comment.

He died this past week at age 90, a lifetime of laughter, truisms, friendships, family, faith and charitable works behind him. I had watched him in action over the years with his characteristic 10 gallon hat and passionate stance as coach of the Houston Oilers and New Orleans Football teams. Passion, intensity and love of life, hurled at the viewer, as his movements cascaded on the sidelines.

It is not surprising that someone would want to capture the vividness of his life in a movie. It is more surprising that it would be offered as an Opera. “Bum’s” blessing for it was given in 2012 when he met with the artistic director Luke Leonard, and the composer Peter Stopschinski.

I had heard about this opera a few days before his death when my daughter informed us that she had been cast as Bum’s sister in this newly written opera.

The company’s name “Monk Parrots” is producing it in March 2014. “The company derives its name from Monk Parakeets … Unlike most exotic birds they can survive basically anywhere by working together and adjusting to unusual climates. They symbolize intelligence, endurance, adaptation, and collaboration.” This noted on Monk Parrot’s website.

Have you ever noticed words that pop up in your life and you reflect upon them? Well the word “Monk” popped up 2 more times this week, which is why I am writing about it today.

Monks…“They can survive basically anywhere by working together and adjusting to unusual climates. They symbolize intelligence, endurance, adaptation, and collaboration.” Hmm…parroting…

Catholic Monks set up a casket making operation in New Orleans after the Katrina Hurricane of 2005. The State, being pressured by lobbyists, attempted to shut them down because caskets were being sold at lower prices than funeral homes. The battle ensued for 5 years, with the Supreme Court finally siding with the free market system, and allowing the Monks to continue their work of making caskets. This story was being reported by Clark Howard, a money guru, enthused by this entrepreneurial win.

Legend has it that Buddhist Monks cultivated monk fruit some 800 years ago. It grows naturally on steep heavily forested mountains…and yet they found a way.

Can we?

If a situation seems too ugly to kiss it goodbye, it can lead to perseverating, depression, not living in the moment and giving up.

BUT…If there’s something ugly in your life, don’t kiss it goodbye too quickly…Face it… Own it…Then kiss it goodbye.

And don’t forget to laugh about it…as you start all over again.

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