Saturday, November 10, 2012


      Hi, all you beautiful people who are curious about my blog … “Pregnancy Redefined”. This is not what you think it is. It is a series of thoughts for mothers, fathers, grandmothers,  grandfathers,  sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces , nephews, friends, and anyone else who is interested in discovering life through my  often crazy, zany, twisted,  ADD ( not a misplaced word…”attention deficit disorder”) revelations.  I will tell you how this project started almost 2 years ago in another blog. Okay, I know you may not be interested!!! The format is not at all what I envisioned it to be. It is a work in progress… just as our lives are always a work in progress…or will our lives come to a halt much too soon?
     I probably wouldn’t be writing about this today, except last night a Deacon’s words (It was at a Catholic Mass… and no, I am not trying to convert you…this is all about me!)  Inspired me to get off my little duff and put it out there… Ready or Not!!!… Life often hits us that way, anyway! He was commenting about the phrase, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”. He proceeded to change it to “Now is the rest of your life”… Oh I’ve heard that before, but this “Pregnancy Redefined” project jumped front and center in my mind…AGAIN... I have always felt it’s never finally good enough! There is always one more idea to insert…one more word to change…one more punctuation mark to ponder over! Oh the life of a perfectionist freak!
     The deacon’s words were short and sweet… “What God has called you to do…Do!”… With this brief dissertation he introduced the lay (lay meaning not a priest or nun) missionary from Haiti. And I thought... here we go again…another request for money!
     The speaker was a humble looking man, with good looks, but a slightly disheveled appearance. I had noticed his prayerful presence earlier, but was unaware of his future role as speaker.
This slight man proceeded to tell about the earthquake Jan 12, 2010 in Port au Prince. He had been a missionary since he was 23 (I would say he was now in his late 50’s). In those years, he had been robbed, kidnapped, beaten and left for dead… This however was the most horrendous event he had ever lived through. This 38 second earthquake left him tossed about in a sea of rubble…shocked… disoriented… and devastated…to a point where he did not know himself! Over a period of days he managed with others, to dig out 2 seminarians from his school, who were badly in need of medical care. The other 22 lay buried in their 3 storey building, unable to be recovered. He headed to the convent where Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity had a hospital in Port Au Prince. When he arrived there, the lawn was full of injured, dying people. His spirit was totally crushed by the devastation, and as he decided to give up (yes giving up is a decision) one of the nuns took him by the shoulders and told him, “God can handle this, but you must handle your part. Do not give up your mission!”
He was not asking for money! He was asking each of us to fulfill our own mission, no matter how difficult. His sincerity opened our hearts… and our wallets.
      So here I was… again reminded of my own mission. Get going! This project was birthed out of a love for God, Family, Country and the World.  When I was a teenager I thought about being a missionary, so perhaps this is its fruition.
      See you next time… God willing! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first post! Can't wait to see more!
