Saturday, November 17, 2012


My brother’s e-mail was especially timely since I was trying to put more trust in God, and to be more open to His loving presence. The next day I headed to an office bathroom that I seldom frequented, and once inside the stall noticed 4 pennies perched on the top of the silver container that housed the toilet tissue. The 4 pennies were a quadrupled message of “IN GOD WE TRUST”. This was like an exhibition of God’s radiant love and I felt abundantly blessed! The humor of the bathroom pennies both fascinated and intrigued me… Was there a message?  More significance unfolded as a few days later I woke from a dream, instructing mothers how to potty train their babies before they reach their first birthday. I laughed, but the thought did not surprise me as my own children had been potty trained before their first birthday. This knowledge of potty training was received firsthand as I am the 2nd oldest in a family of 11 children. I witnessed and assisted in the potty training of 4-12 month old babies. God’s humor fascinated me as I smiled about the 4 pennies in the bathroom.

At the same time I realized 4 new babies were to be added to our family through my 3 nieces and 1 nephew. More significance to those 4 pennies in the bathroom!  There were additional blessings to follow as a few months later another niece and nephew were expecting the following year…for a total of 6 new babies within a 6 month span.

My writing became more prolific as well!  My credentials are small, but my love for God’s gift of new life is not. As a result... “Pregnancy Redefined”... was born.

See you next time. God willing!  God bless!


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