Sunday, November 11, 2012


     It was race day …and there I was in the midst of 4 racers travelling to run the 5K race.
     There was excitement because my granddaughters were looking forward to meet Jenny Barringer Simpson, who just like them, grew up in Oviedo, and just like them started running in grade school. They were celebrating life as we journeyed…anxious to arrive and meet their new found role model…a runner who qualified in the track and field event for the 2012 Olympics.
     We found Jenny exuberantly engaged with her new found running mates …talking, signing autographs, and posing for photos… very gracious, warm, and personable.
      It was Nov.11th weekend 2011 and I thought about our freedom to be here celebrating this event. I lost an uncle during the Second World War, and although I had never met him, he became part of the reason why I have a deep respect for our military and our freedom. 
     At 25 years old Jenny had qualified to head to the Olympics as a 1500 meter runner. Her road to Olympian athlete was a road many might say started out rocky…with infantile asthma to overcome and a disease that caused calcium deposits to form in her lungs…she would go on to achieve her goal.
     As the 5K race started, I thought about the unsung athletes in our midst. My son-in-law who joined his family to run… when his work commitments are ever demanding…My daughter running 3 years in pain before surgery corrected her foot problem… Even my granddaughters who were battling congestion in this race… all celebrating life when life is less than perfect.
     And then there was the last of 756 runners to leave the starting gate. .. A crippled man hobbling from left to right, talking to the young woman who was by his side. As he passed by I asked him how could he run and talk at the same time…he answered, “practice”…and left me with a smile.
     My granddaughter placed 2nd … my son-in law 6th and my daughter 12th …all in their age categories. At 9 years old my granddaughter took the 13th spot in front of the other 416 females of all ages running this race. She was a force to be reckoned with… The back of her shirt emblazoned with “crazy legs”, a name the track coach had given her, and a name that she wore with pride as members of the running family congratulated her…Her running smile… a trademark, as she crosses the finish line.
     The crippled man came in 3rd to last. A celebratory win!
     At 6 years old my granddaughter has run a 5K race, but times and results are never tracked until 8 years old…so she was anxiously waiting to run the mile with Jenny. Jenny is part of the “Track Shack” family and she was here promoting running as fun. The race was off and Jenny, surrounded by youth paced with them… at their speed… not hers.
      My granddaughter would break away from the pack when the finish line was in sight with a determination captured by those who witnessed her approach to the finish line… The track coach gave her the name of “l’il rabbit”, exhibited on the back of her shirt…a name fittingly given since she is the youngest member of the Track Shack team… but by no means the slowest!
     Because runners never eat much before a race, proximity to a restaurant afterwards is a must. This day was no exception. A short drive placed us on Main Street, blocked off for a farmers market. One of the local restaurants had a wait so we walked the market as we waited for the pager call signaling the table was ready.
     My son-in –law recognized an ex neighbor who had a booth displaying fishing lures. Their conversation was heard by many as the ex neighbor recanted how in the space of this year, he had lost a son…his wife had major surgery…his daughter ended up in a divorce…and his good friend also died.  He was promoting the business he was taking over from his deceased son. The year had proved a bad one for him, but there he was engaged in meaningful activity with a promise of a better tomorrow. His jovial attitude left me as an observer… once more… with an appreciation for all those who work toward celebrating life… even when circumstances dictate otherwise.
       Did I mention all this took place in a town called “Celebration?”

See you next time...God willing! God bless!


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